

NanotechRadar offers an on-line marketplace for research capabilities and proven technologies and corporate demands. From the offer side, NanotechRadar integrates the latest advanced technologies, outstanding research opportunities and licensing agreements based on Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. From the demand side NanotechRadar offers to companies and entrepreneurs an ideal platform to present problems, ideas ad technological challenges.

Technological contests usually come from private institutions and they are presented to a multidisciplinary community of researchers and institutions that works on Nanotechnology. If you want to drive breakthrough innovations in your company or product portfolio and you believe that Nanotechnology is behind the solution, NanotechRadar is the place for you!

NanotechRadar marketplace also integrates ideas, project opportunities and world-class research capabilities from public researcj centers and research grpups. This powerful platform includes diverse technologies from Micro to Nanofabrication and from bio to nanoengineering products and materials. If you want to connect your ideas and research projects with internal and external resources and developers, NanotechRadar is the place for you!

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